The beloved legend of Cupid & Psyche tells of how
the female Psyche fell in love with her
invisible lover Cupid. It is an age-old
tale of love tested and regained. The
tale, it's full name The Marriage of
Cupid & Psyche, ends in rejoice,
when the union of the two lovers gives
birth to a beautiful daughter, known as Voluptas.
She is
recognised as one of three graces from
Ancient Greece - Voluptas being
the word meaning pleasure.
is known from ancient records about the
legend of Voluptas - up until now there
have been no known poems dedicated to her
beauty, and also no specific artworks.
There are only the cusoriest of mentions,
perhaps several lines in a poem, or her
necessitated presence in Three Graces
Which seems very
incredible, given the popularity of the
myth of Cupid & Psyche - a beautiful
daughter, combining the etheral beauties
of two eternal lovers, should give rise
to all manner of artistic and literary
this website hopes to be a stepping stone
into bringing to life, or re-birth the
wonderful legacy of Cupid and Psyche, in
the form of Voluptas...
addition to the newly-written poem on the
homepage, a painting is under commission
and a song is being composed this year...
We look
forward to bringing you both later on in
the year...